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Breathwork Pracitioner Training


Breathing Journeys
6 month intensive Breathwork Practitioner Training

This 6 month training, is mainly for those who are already qualified therapeutic practitioners, counsellors, coaches.


It consists of 4 or 5 online long weekends (the second module may be in person), and a 6th and final in person long weekend in the highlands of Scotland.

With online training videos, and a portal of resources, regular Q&A calls, and supervision calls, this comprehensive training holds and guides you at every stage. Each cohort is a small closed and supportive group with whom you will journey with over the 6 months. They will be a maximum of 12 participants.


John Paul Mason, creator of Breathing Journeys is a long standing Breathwork Practitioner, and Deborah is his cofacilitator at every module. Both Deborah and John Paul are passionate about holding truly safe space for all participants, to support you to grow and embrace your potential, both as a human and a Breathwork Practitioners and to welcome you to the Breathing Journeys community.

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AIR School of Breathwork Minimum of 2 years Breathwork Practitioner Training

This training takes a minimum of 2 years and is open to anyone with an interest in breathwork. There are 4 core, 6 day modules which can be attended online or at a residential. Each trainee then attends one further module as an assistant. The AIR school of Breathwork is Deborah's "alma mata", and has recently been taken over by Jacqui Storm and Kerry Veitch.


Deborah is a qualified trainer for AIR, but currently, whilst the school transitions, Jacqui and Kerry are mainly teaching, with the school's founders, Brigitte Martin Powell, and Doug Sawyer also teaching at one module each year. 

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