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Online TRE® Group Sessions

via Zoom 

Learn this vital life skill to Relax your body and mind, Reset your nervous system, and Renew your energy

Payment according to means £0 - £15

Dates & times - Alternate Mondays 11:30am-1pm

and Alternate Thursdays 7-8:30pm

Meet on Zoom

Sessions 90 mins. 

Max of 8 participants.

"Bring": water bottle, mat, blanket, pillow 

I had a TRE session with Deborah over zoom, very happy that this was made accessible to me through this social distancing condition – as I did not manage to go on regular classes previously. So very grateful for the opportunity to join in virtually. It was a beautifully held session, felt like we were all in the same room with Deborah and all other participants. We were given great guidance, individual attention, and all worked well as if done in the studio, yet from your home’s comfort! Thank you Deborah for making it possible to share this practice, at a time when most needed.


Please note - if you haven't experienced TRE® before you need to start off with an online one to one session, after if it's appropriate for you, 

then you will be welcome to join a group 

please contact Deborah

£89 for a comprehensive 2 hour introduction including learning materials and guided audio for home use (concessions available).

TRE® is a powerful and yet simple way to access the body's ability to shake off tension and stress.  It's a physical practice, in which we trigger the tremoring through simple stretches and muscle stress exercises, then lie on a mat and allow the body to release, in a sustained, yet controlled and gentle way.  Many clients describe is as feeling like a massage from the inside out.  Every exercise can be modified to suit individual clients, and you are completely in control of your own process and participation at all times; so you learn how to initiate tremors and also how to stop the process.

As a "no-talking" practice, there is no need to talk about any of your reasons for attending, although you are welcome to share any information and ask questions if you wish.  Simply come, learn the practice and leave with all you need to start safe and effective home practice.

Dr Peter Levine's work dating from the 1960s brought attention to the possible therapeutic nature of tremoring whilst  conducting predator/prey research as part of his work as stress consultant to NASA.  He realised that autonomic shaking (in the way animals do) allows the nervous system to "stand down" and restore homeostasis (balance) (You can read his words below).  

Dr David Berceli later created TRE® as way to activate that shaking mechanism, in a safe and controlled way, that can be learnt as an empowering self - practice embodiment tool. 

As our innate physiological release method it's the "fast-track" to releasing tension from the body and mind; it's easier than we think to let go and feel better on  a physical , emotional and mental level, we just need to re-learn how.

ON line sessions provide a fast, effective way to learn the TRE® practice and to enable safe  use at home when needed. They have a maximum of 8 participants so that Deborah can advise and guide every particpant. 

  • Experiential sessions, under the guidance and eye of experienced practitioner, Deborah Maddison. 

  • Also included: breath work and grounding exercises.

  • Introductory education presentation to watch at home before the session

  • Course materials, including home practice guide 

  • Support (if required) after session/s

  • Confidentiality/Privacy fully respected

At your first one to one session  you will:

  • Learn first hand how TRE® reignites the body’s innate stress/tension release mechanism and experience your body/mind decompressing and growing in resilience.

  • Learn how to control the TRE® and importantly how to stop the tremoring when you need to.

  • Understand the science behind TRE ®and how TRE® works.

  • Learn how to confidently and safely manage your home practice.

  • Receive guidance about adapting TRE® practice to your specific needs.

  • Learn additional Breathwork, grounding  and "containment" techniques, which can be used at any time to calm the nervous system and support emotional regulation.  This are vital tools for those recovering from trauma and PTSD (particularly complex PTSD), as well as being helpful practices for everyone.

In addition to learning vital wellbeing skills, the actual sessions will be an opportunity to let go, relax your body and mind , reset your nervous system, and renew your energy. Deborah holds calm, gentle space in which clients can feel truly safely held and supported

Who is the TRE® for?

TRE®  has helped people of all ages and from all walks of life by teaching them how to safely, comfortably and confidently release the symptoms of stress, tension, and deep anxiety.  It is for ANYONE who wants to heal themselves from day to day pressures, and the associated, often debilitating symptoms of stress.


Dr Peter Levine - why animals don't develop stress symptoms ...

I was really curious why animals in the wild don't develop the same symptoms - because the parts of the brain that respond to stress are quite similar in all mammals, including humans... So I realized there must be some powerful innate mechanism that helps people rebound; that sort of resets our nervous system ... And I discovered that these reactions that reset the nervous system are identical with animals and with people. The difference is that we learn to override it because of our fear of powerful sensations. ... the basic idea is to guide people to help them recapture this natural resilience... 

Dr Peter Levine, PHD Medical Biophysics, PHD Psychology, 

Stress Consultant to NASA during Space Shuttle era

Why might you participate?

TRE® is something that everyone would benefit from learning, however you might particularly want to:

  • Improve flexibility and feel more free in your body

  • Release aches, pains and stiffness (including chronic pain and fibromyalgia)

  • Increase the effectiveness and accessibility of other practices (sports/martial arts, yoga, Pilates, massage, mediation, mindfulness...)

  • Let go of irritability/tension and feel more calm/relaxed

  • Release stress related issues (e.g. work/study stress, IBS, symptoms of overwhelm, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, loss, abuse, trauma and PTSD)

  • Feel lighter, happier, more energised and resilient in the face of life's ups and downs

  • Feel less "in your head" and more embodied

  • Learn a powerful cutting-edge practice to use at home to release stress and tension as part of your weekly well-being routine when needed

  • Relax at a deep level 

After completing a 4-week group TRE class, I was desperate to get back into the swing of it as soon as possible, as class environments work best for me.

Deborah conducted an online class, this was just as great as face to face groups.

The online session, still has the closeness, support and general great vibes that I gained from the regular group classes.

I can't wait for my next online session.


Read what others are saying about their TRE experience...
Video - Deborah talks about TRE what is it, and what does it feel like 

If you feel you would prefer to start off with a one to one session instead  

please contact Deborah

Session 1 is £75 and includes all learning materials, 

subsequent sessions £60


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