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Breathwork in Schools 

A programme created by the International Breathwork Foundation 

Breathwork is the perfect wellness strategy for schools to support both the staff and pupils of any age, as it addresses core areas of health, physical, mental and emotional, in a simple, accessible way. It is a deeply mindful approach, taking mindfulness to the next level using the power of the breath, so that teachers can judge what's needed in their class room and use the appropriate breath for the situation. We teach four core breaths to focus, energise, balance or calm. These four core methods are taught to teachers in a short workshop, with an optional follow up 6 weeks later to deepen and broaden understanding of these methods and provide a Q&A opportunity. The programme is simple to implement, and with as little as a few minutes a day, teachers can change the mood of their classes to support learning.

With an ever growing body of scientific research to support the benefits of participating in regular breathwork sessions, teachers and pupils will feel more relaxed, have more energy, improved focus and feel better about themselves, as well as learning skills to manage daily stress. Breathwork supports the creation of "relaxed aliveness", the optimal state for learning.

Benefits of breathwork include:

  • More energy

  • Improved creativity

  • Enhanced mindfulness and focus

  • Relaxation

  • Reduced blood pressure

  • Improved sleep

  • Reduced anxiety and depression

  • Reduced pain

  • Improved heart rate variability 

  • Toned vagus nerve 

  • Increased resilience 

  • Nervous system regulation

  • Stronger immune and digestive systems

  • Greater ability to manage emotions

  • Increased ability to handle stress

  • Reduction in bullying

Deborah teaches the teachers a simple programme created by the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF).  This is taught to staff so that they can immediately implement a few minutes of the programme every day with their pupils; teachers need to demonstrate the breathing techniques and breathe alongside pupils, meaning that staff benefit too, creating a happier, calmer more creative learning environment for all. 

Support materials, will be available to download so that teachers can have their own guidance pack to keep to hand, including breath scripts so that teachers don't need to remember too much information. There's also a recommended app to support daily use and empowerment for both teachers and pupils. This means that breathwork strategies can be used when needed and are very simple for busy teachers to implement.  These skills, once learnt,  can then be utilised by staff and students on the way to school, during the school day or on the way home to de-stress, empowering them to manage their own energy and stress states.

This programme of conscious breathing in the classroom is the 

IBFs (International Breathwork Foundation) Programme for schools 

delivered by breathwork practitioners as a 

gift to our children and teachers - payment is by donation for expenses only, and the work is offered free

Workshops for teachers, can be offered flexibly for example at an INSET day as a 2-3 hour session, or after school as two shorter sessions. This will resource teaching staff with simple breath practices to enhance both teacher and student focus, calm, energy and mindfulness; there is a breath practice to manage any classroom situation.  These are skills for life, that are easy and quick for busy teachers to implement in the daily classroom  routine.  

The teacher training workshops, run by Deborah and/or other local Breathwork professionals will be both relaxing and fun for staff.  It will empower them to help create a calmer more focused environment to enhance  learning as well as feeling better equipped to manage their own stress levels.  Course comes with access to free downloadable manual for all teachers.

"Uniting and Inspiring People Through Conscious ​Breathing"


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